Franco-Canadian short films - Sunday November 13

the Royal


French language films Short films from Ontario and North West territories tell stories that matter to these very talented filmmakers. From questions on self identity to the environement, the range of hot topics is dealt with different styles and the same love for humanity.

  • MOUN AN BA LA : Diaspora antillaise à Toronto - 28min - Documentary – Real. Katia Café-Fébrissy - Guest in attendance
  • Le Loon Ranger des Huards -22 min46 – Documentary [Ecology – Environment] - Real. Paul Davis (Guest in attendance)
  • L’incident de l’école Guignes - 3min.15– Documentary - Real. Nicole Blundell
  • Vies suspendues—38 sec. –- Marcel Grimard (Guest in attendance)
  • 40 millions de tournesols ensanglantés-1min58 –Réal.Marcel Grimard (Guest in attendance)
  • Layers -3min58- experimental Dance – Pascaline Lebras (Guest in attendance)
  • Gueules l’Arc-en Ciel – Réal. Sophie Dumesny
  • TORONTO VU PAR RAOUL OLOU – Réal. Joanne Belluco (Guest in attendance)
  • Les Anges font le ménage – Réal. Valérie Lecomte