Arlette- Saturday Novembre 5

Scotiabank Theatre


Approached by the Prime Minister of Quebec to rejuvenate the image of his government, Arlette Saint-Amour, director of a fashion magazine, becomes, overnight, Minister of Culture. She succeeded by her look and her audacity to create a real buzz around Culture. Reckless, she does not hesitate to confront the most powerful of all: the Minister of Finance. Their files are battles to fight, but their confrontation is a real war to finish because, in the end, this film revolves around a major theme: the power of the image. A comedy of appearances that takes us behind the scenes of the National Assembly, where the zany rubs shoulders with the serious, where comedy embraces drama.


The dramatic comedy approaches the backstage of power with discernment, gall and humor.
Elizabeth Lepage-Boily - Cinoche

Marie-Pier Morin seriously defends the title role of this not-so-dramatic comedy which will open up for some the underside of power in this election year.
Luc Chapu - Kinoculture Montreal

"Arlette takes us behind the scenes of the National Assembly, where the wacky meets the serious, where comedy embraces drama"
Hollywood PQ

By Mariloup Wolfe
With Robert Naylor Tanja Björk Marie-Thérèse Fortin Alexandrine Agostini
Year 2022
Duration 118min
Genre Comedy
Language French (English subtitles)
Country Quebec-Canada
Rating All Audiences
  • Festival du film de Namur,
  • Festival du film d’Angoulème