Tourner Pour vivre - Friday November 4

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I found Tintin, he is over 77 years old, he makes films and travels the world in search of the meaning of life. For 7 years we share the life of a filmmaker and his belief in the incredible fertility of chaos. A unique journey, an artistic adventure, a human and spiritual experience with Claude Lelouch.


This bewildering factory of Lelouch's cinema is a mine for cinephiles and apprentice filmmakers.
Paris Match

Sharing the daily life of his creation brings out perfectly how Lelouch works, his total freedom which, if it exposes him to violent road trips, also allows him to obtain the best.

Turning to live gives the feeling of attending a live show, the abundance of which provokes a communicative enthusiasm.
Le Monde

For seven years, Philippe Azoulay ran behind the old Claude Lelouch, always hopping from one project to another. The result is a hagiographic portrait, but which is also documented proof that Lelouch is indeed faithful to his legend.
Les Fiches de Cinema

Fiction and reality mingle, the creation is always already started and never finished, there is no backstage and no blank sheet... This swirling intensity, we are happy to be able to share it.

By Philippe Azoulay
With Claude Lelouch, Jean Dujardin, Sandrine Bonnaire, Johnny Hallyday, Elsa Zylberstein, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Anouk Aimée, Eddy Mitchell, Quentin Tarantino, Valérie Perrin… 
Year 2021
Duration 105 min
Genre Documentaire
Language French (English subtitles)
Country France
Rating Tous publics
Festivals  Festival Lumière, Arras Film festival